(Scroll down for the video, but read the blog posting too. Especially if you have insomnia).
Steve's new brown sports coat makes its debut on PBS39's arts IN focus interview with Emilie Henry.
Wow, what a pleasure it was to be asked to do an interview on our local PBS Station WFWA 39. About a month ago, I received an email from an assistant producer at the station, who asked me if I'd be interested in coming on their local arts program, called arts IN focus, and doing an interview.
Honestly, I had mixed emotions, partly because I'd never done a longer television interview like that and I wasn't sure if what I had to say, would be that interesting. I mean cartooning and the process might be interesting to other cartoonists, but to the general public? It could be, as the beatniks say, "Snoozeville, Daddio."
Anyhow, taking into consideration that I'm known to my family and friends as the ultimate risk taker, always up for change and a new adventure (yeah, right), I decided to give it a go.
You've heard the phrase, "he has a face for radio", right? Well, that goes for wardrobes, too. For a few days I got to thinking, "Hmmmm, what do cartoonists wear?" My current fall collection of cartoonist-wear consists of sweatpants, t-shirt, flannel shirt and if it's pretty cold in the morning, a knit cap. I'm guessing that's not appropriate for television, because I never saw Regis in that kind of get-up. Then it came to me. Brown sport coat, black t-shirt and jeans with my hiking boots. Sort of "east coast professor meets Rocky Mountain tour guide".
I had all of those things in my wardrobe, except for the brown sport coat. (Actually I did have a brown sport coat, but that was purchased about 1200 Oreos ago).
So my wife and I went out one afternoon and found a brown sport coat at Kohl's. It met all the criteria. It was brown, it was in the new "Steve-size" and it was ON SALE! And I mean, waaaaay on sale. We brought it home and to my surprise, it even had elbow patches on it. Just the added touch to complete the "east coast professor" portion of the ensemble.
The day of the interview came. I found my way to the station, walked in and was greeted by some very nice staff people. I was taken to the area where they put make-up on me. They said I was a natural beauty and didn't need much, (again, yeah, right). While I was in the chair I met the host, Emilie Henry, who was pretty, personable, funny, smart and you could tell had done her homework. She and the production staff made the whole experience so enjoyable that I would do it again in a heartbeat. Thanks to all the folks at Channel 39 for a truly memorable and fun experience!
My portion of the interview starts around the 12:30 mark after Emilie's very interesting interview with members of The Moscow Ballet.