Teacher! That Cartoonist Is Copying That Cartoon Idea Off Me! (Not Really)

Time to feed the baby text

Every now and then, I like to post a cartoon that has been published by another cartoonist that has a striking resemblance to a cartoon I've done in the past. I do this, not to indict the other cartoonist, but to illustrate how some funny ideas are just, sort of universal. Sometimes, the cartoons are almost exactly the same. Sometimes, they're just similar.

This morning I was reading the comics page in the local newspaper and ran across a cartoon by one of my favorite cartoonists, Dana Summers. Here's the link.


As you can see from my cartoon, shown here, I had a very similar idea a few years ago. I remember not being sold 100 percent on my idea because it seemed a bit "clunky". I just thought the idea of a baby texting was funny, but I had to explain that the message was from a baby so I needed to add the caption. Dana Summers got around this problem by showing the maternity ward and the baby who was doing the texting. Great job Dana!